Piped Ring Jewelry: Using Points, Array on Path, 3 pt Arc and Sweep
I was intrigued by this Rhino tutorial by a fellow named Cosef at jewelturk.net.
He made good use of reference snap Points and a special Boolean Intersection case.
I wanted to see how the same thing could be done in MoI.
So I followed his tutorial with MoI ease.
1) In front view - Make your circles and a cool outside ring shape using some arcs or whatever you wish.

2) Go to right view - make an arc to represent the sweeping look of the side of the ring.

3) Here's the special Boolean Intersection case: take your inner circle and intersect it with the single side arc.
Cool.... copy and past the new shape's outer curve to just get the loop, which will now have a potato chip shape.

4) Go ahead and round the corners over.
This doesn't affect the final shape of the ring too much, but you may need it to be nice and smooth later if you add detail.

5) Place a Point (the points by themselves tool) on the top center of each profile loops.

6) Use Array to Curve to magically send the points around these profile loops. Choose the same number for each. I used 32.

7) Mirror the side set to make a match opposite the center ring.

8) Here are the arrayed reference points...

9) Place the 3 pt Arcs - Note the arrangement and order: The first click
in on a given point. The second on the next point in order on the
opposing loop.
The third is on a point on the center loop. This one is your choice, as it will determine the swing and look of the pipes.

10) The guy used some kind of smart repeat feature, but I'm sure the
added programming for esoteria like that would be like feeding an infant
a monster burger.
You'll have to go talk to "old Emanuel" here, matching every point combo
with a 3 pt arc. Just drink something soothing, sit back and get into
your work.
MoI was designed to bring Zen to your soul. ;-)

11) Here you'll create a circle or rounded rectangle to sweep on each arc.

12) Proceed with each arc.

13) Final set... looks like an alien rib cage.

14) Sweep a slightly larger circle around the two outer side loops. I
say larger, because when using the same diameter, welding the arc pipes
with the side ring pipes caused problems and some arc pipes disappeared.
Using larger side pipes gave the union more breathing room.

15) Boolean Union the arc pipes to the side loop pipes for a finished
look. You don't have to for a render, but it can be done if you want to
fillet the joints.

16) Scale that center ring down a bit.

17) Trim the inside of the ring to make a flat area for a finger.

18) Add a little Fillet to catch some light glints in a render and for added comfort for a virtual ring finger. ;-)

19) Export and render in something "blingy"!

Well, it's a good copy-cat of that guy's Rhino piped ring.
The above shot was screen-captured with a few different MoI view
lighting settings, and I went to town in Photoshop to get a gold look.
Eat your heart out Ed... ;-) (Ah yes, watch how I attempt to enter the realm of the master!)
Additional Information from BurrMan of MoI3D.com:
Here's one for you also... If you look at the resources-petr's MoI page, find the "LineWeb" Script...

Check out the LineWeb plugin for MoI here: